To Regulate the Prices of coronary stents and monitor their avialability
To achieve excellence in education and To make education as a tool for social change for the betterment of the society.
To provide modern scientific quality education to the future nation builders.

To develop students with strong character, sharp intellect and good etiquettes.

To mould the students to become the torch bearers of the nation
....:::: CURRENT NEWS ::::....
Welcome to Meera College of Education
Welcome to Meera College of Education
Welcome to Meera College of Education
Welcome to Meera College of Education
....:::: ONLINE QUERY::::....




Faculty and other positions at the Meera College of Education are advertised in newspapers as well as displayed on this website. If you would like to be considered for a faculty position, please fill online application form and along with it also attach your updated C.V.

Even if we do not have a position available your application will be kept on the file and we shall contact you as and when a position of your interest becomes available.

Current Opening
Currently at Meera College of Education their are no current opening but we are accepting resume from candidate for future. Please post your resume at our resume manager. So that as soon as we have opening matching your profile. We will contact you. Click here to Post Resume

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